Black Defendants Matter

A judge made this social media post,
Hoping there would be no accountability.
Where there's transparency,
There's accountability.
- A noose displayed on the Facebook page of Altona Town Court Justice Kyle R. Canning.
Black Defendants Matters policies and legislation WILL GUARANTEE:
1. Fair and equitable treatment for all
2. Uncompromising Transparency
3. Uncompromising Accountability
...throughout the ENTIRE criminal justice system.
These three principles should extend from the initial contact and detention by law enforcement until release from detention or incarceration.
It is only when this level of transparency is achieved, will there be matched accountability which will lead to the fair and equitable treatment of all.
Justice For Vern Braswell
Visit our page or @J4VernBraswell for more info on how to help us win Vern's freedom.
READ My Son Vern Has Been Diagnosed With Cancer: How You Can Help
Cancer for a Black Man
On the streets of Tennessee during a pandemic, Can be a critical situation...
Cancer for any Black Man
In the prisons of Tennessee during a pandemic, Can be a death sentence...
Subscribe to be the first to receive...
notification when we publish our soul stirring articles listed below as well as new developments in the Braswell case.
As You Read Our Articles
You'll Discover There Are
Two Justice Systems.
One Black
One White
Very Unequal
- Why did some of a Black Defendant's Best Evidence Vanish and
White Judges Let it Slide...
Tennessee's Catch Me If You (In) Just-Us System
- Vern Braswell was prosecuted by an all White team of prosecutors. His attorney finds a sealed envelope of suppressed evidence in the prosecutor's "secured" files that says DO NOT SHOW TO THE DEFENSE. Then the envelope mysteriously disappears. An all White panel of Judges say Braswell's attorney should have done a better job of catching the all White team of prosecutors redhanded before the evidence they initially concealed eventually vanished. Don‘t believe us? Read It and see for yourself!
TN White Courts Version of Black Justice (Press Version w/ Citations)
- Read how justice is dealt to a Black defendant by all White prosecutors and judges in Tennessee when there is zero accountability. Citations included because you wouldn’t believe it if we didn‘t include them!
(Amplifiers) TN White Courts Version of Black Justice
- This version is for amplifiers. You can quote, share, print. post. or tweet this version when you amplify the systemic racial injustice of the Braswell case using your platform
Twenty TweetAble Takes From the Vern Braswell case
- We are providing amplifiers with a bag of 20 bite sized Ready-to-Tweet nuggets from the Braswell case for your posting pleasure (hashtags included).
Please post or tweet one-a-day to keep attention on the systemic injustice in the Braswell case. COMING SOON
Vern Braswell Verzuz the White Cases
- Read how the all White TN Criminal Appeals Court treated a White erotic asphyxia defendant verzuz a Black erotic asphyxia defendant with way more trial errors and mistakes. Guess which one got the relief.
Vern Braswell Verzuz the White Cases
- This time the all White TN Appeals Court gave a White defendant (who stabbed their spouse in the back) relief because their trial attorney made a mistake, but the Court refused to help a Black defendant who's attorney made the identical mistake plus many more mistakes.
Vern Braswell Verzuz the White Cases
Round Three: Jury Deliberations
- The same TN Court gave relief to a White defendant based on how the jury deliberated, but refused to give relief to a Black defendant even though his jury deliberated exactly the same way and indicated he was probably more innocent than the White defendant.
Vern Braswell Verzuz White Cases
Round 4 Hiding Evidence of Innocence, (Bonus Round)
- Braswell's White prosecutor withheld evidence of innocence in the case of a White defendant and eventually gave the evidence to the White defendant's lawyer. When the same prosecutor withheld evidence in the Black defendant's case, she refused to give it to his lawyers. The all White Judges and the TN lawyer board refused to do anything about the prosecutor in the Black case.
Vern Braswell Verzuz White Cases
- Braswell's same prosecutor intimidated a Black expert witness to prevent him from testifying in a White defendant's case, the all White judges gave the defendant relief (in part) because of the prosecutor's actions. The same issue was egregious in the Braswell case but the courts refused to give Braswell relief.
NO! Says the TN All-White Judges' Club.
- Take a look at all of the newly discovered evidence of innocence that was presented before the Tennessee all White Judges Club and why it didn't make sense when they said a witness with first hand testimony did not matter for a Black defendant.
Braswell's Prosecutor is the Worst of the Worst Prosecutors
- Harvard Law School uses Vern Braswell's case as justification for why his prosecutor, Amy Weirich, is one of the worst prosecutors in America when it comes to misconduct in the publication by The Fair Punishment Project.
Vern Braswell's Original Trial Lawyer
Why was Vern Braswell's original trial attorney disbarred? Why did one of the Judges find him credible in Braswell's case right after she caught him testifying "inconsistent with the facts"?
ATTENTION: Investigative Reporters, Scholars, and Sleuths. Can You Solve the Sealed Envelope Case?
- We supply the documents, you supply the wits. Do you have what it takes to solve the case of the missing sealed envelope bearing the prosecutor's initials? Who lied and what did they hide?
The Colin Kaepernick of the Criminal Justice System: Senior Judge Gilbert S. Merritt
- “This set of falsehoods is typical of the conduct of the Memphis D.A’s office during this period.”
- Senior Justice Gilbert S. Merritt from Owens v. Guida 549 F.3d 399, 425 (6lh Cir.2008),
He is honest and courageous enough to point out that the Memphis prosecutors were typical liars. So why did a judge with arguably the greatest amount of integrity in the entire criminal justice system get passed over for a seat at the law of the land? Sometimes sacrifice, integrity, and being ostracized go hand in hand.
My Son Vern Has Been Diagnosed With Cancer: 3 Ways to Help
Cancer for a Black Man
On the streets of Tennessee during a pandemic, Can be a critical situation...
Cancer for any Black Man
In the prisons of Tennessee during a pandemic, Can be a death sentence...
Why Vern's Cancer Diagnosis is so Devastating
Vern has earned a doctorate degree while incarcerated and wants to use his degrees to develop prison reform proposals.
(For Donors) How Tenn. Slave Whipped a Black Community Activist
- Vern Braswell dedicated over 15 years of extensive community service in both Black and White communities. Dozens of Memphians wrote in and made the courts aware of this until all of the documentation and evidence of this totally vanished from the official court records. This head shaking article about abandonment, betrayal, and corruption will have you as angry as a police brutality video.
The Court of All White Judges' that Silently Supervised the Braswell Injustice.
Vern Braswell lets us look through his eyes as he appeared before all White judges on his journey through the Tennessee Criminal (In)"Just Us" System, including when he first realized that in the eyes of the courts he was just a n*gg*r. COMING SOON
Her Hate & The Sex Business Hit Squad
- Why did Braswell's prosecutor take a "win at any cost" attitude in the Braswell case? Perhaps going back to her big loss when she was a "lieutenant" on the sex business hit sqaud will provide some insight into the source of her deep seeded hate hate. COMING SOON
Vern Braswell's Clemency Petition
We take a look at Vern Braswell's Clemency Application and the reasonswhy he's petitioning the Governor for a commutation. COMING SOON
Vern Braswell's Genesis Joseph Approach to Prison Reform
Vern Braswell draws on his education, work history, and lessons learned from his incarceration to develop a prison reform approach which will solve most of long standing ills of incarceration and recidivism. Will the State of Tennessee listen to his wisdom on the subject? COMING SOON
An Interview...
- Vern Braswell answers our questions to provide insight and a bird's eye view of traversing the criminal justice system as a Black man. Why did he open up with the closing arguments from A Time to Kill? COMING SOON
Will You Help Us End Racism in the Criminal Justice System?
We have developed detailed policies and legislative proposals which are guaranteed to end systemic racial injustices in the criminal justice system.
To help us end criminal justice inequalities contact us at and @BlackDefendants
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Cash App: $AFewMins4Millennials
To see our current organizational needs and fundraising goals visit Our Fundraising Goals
Don't forget to Amplify Justice For Vern Braswell at @J4VernBraswell &
Though we be but small...we're fierce